2022 Global Cloud-native x Opensource Online Summit | GCOS 2022 SEA
2022 Global Cloud-native x Opensource Online Summit | GCOS 2022 SEA
06 - 07 July - 2022
[SGT 09:30 AM -05:00 PM ]
#GCOS 2022 SEA - Global Cloud Native & Open Source Online Summit 2022 | SEA Edition, endorsed by Linux Foundation, organized by NextArch Foundation, DAOPS Foundation, Escom Events, co-hosting by Cloud Native Era and CyberSecAsia.org, focused on a full range of cloud-native & open source technologies and is committed to defining the standard of the next generation of cloud-native & open source technologies.It aims to unite leaders to share their digital innovation, latest challenges, and best practices that will help the delegates understand and respond to the evolving challenges in the "new normal"
The event will gather 500+ attendees and it will be live with a virtual experience where senior software engineers, architects, and team leads connect, learn, and grow. Experts and developers from various backgrounds will be sharing their cutting-edge technical practical experience and cases. The majority of the attendees of this event will be from the Southeast Asia region - Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, and China. Due to the current travel restriction, #GCOS2022 will be virtually presented via Airmeet. It will offer attendees virtual exhibitions, virtual conferences, peer networking sessions, business matching sessions, and virtual discussion groups.
Key topics to be discussed: #Cloud-Native Microservices #Opensource #DevOps #Artificial Intelligence x Machine Learning #Big Data Analytics #Kubernetes #Cloud Security #Containerization, etc
Do you have any questions about this event?
Register here: https://qingflow.com/f/1384b397?qfchannel=daops
Follow us on Slack:
#DAOPS Foundation:https://join.slack.com/t/daopsfoundation/shared_invite/zt-1brmymaog-EbRwRFcb5Zo4c7vflov~pQ(GNSEC 2021 event video here)