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    The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code in DevOps

    June 13, 2024

    The ever-evolving landscape of technology has ushered in a paradigm shift in software development and deployment. One of the prominent trends gaining momentum is the integration of low-code/no-code platforms within the DevOps ecosystem. This article explores how these platforms are revolutionizing the way applications are developed, deployed and managed, fostering collaboration between developers and operations teams.

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    An Overview of Continuous Security Testing Processes for DevSecOps

    June 4, 2024

    As you likely know by now, DevSecOps is a software development methodology that blends Development (Dev), Security (Sec) and Operations (Ops) at all phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It incorporates security checks into the development process and bridges gaps between development, security, and operations teams.

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    How to Shift Testing Left: 4 Tactical Models

    May 27, 2024

    All four models have their advantages and will work for teams at a certain scale and configuration.I previously wrote about the strategic reasons for shifting testing left and the role of QA when this happens. Now let’s look at four possible models for shifting your testing left. All four models have their advantages and will work for teams at a certain scale and configuration.

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    The Basics of Infrastructure as Code: A Primer for DevOps

    May 14, 2024

    Cloud computing and DevOps are reshaping how organizations design, build and manage their IT infrastructure and applications. Central to this transformation is the concept of infrastructure as code (IaC).
    IaC changes the way IT operations and development teams collaborate to create, provision and manage infrastructure and applications. The practice treats infrastructure as software, enabling automated provisioning, configuration and management.

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    Applying AI/ML to Continuous Testing

    March 14, 2024

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can play a transformative role across the software development lifecycle, with a special focus on enhancing continuous testing (CT). CT is especially critical in the context of continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where the need for speed and efficiency must be balanced with the demands for quality and security. 

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    How Much Testing is Too Much?

    February 29, 2024

    We have reached an interesting point in the automation of IT in general and testing specifically. Our tooling now allows us to generate a list of all of the possible permutations of a given test set. This is interesting because we can generate all of the possible permutations of a given test. We can also automatically run all of the tests so generated. And we can automatically filter those results, only raising what needs greater attention to a human for evaluation.

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    What Does a Platform Engineer Do? And Do You Need One?

    February 19, 2024

    As software scales out and becomes more complex, DevOps is needed more than ever to wrangle infrastructure into a usable state for developers to build upon.

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    The Future of Jenkins in 2024

    January 17, 2024

    As software development practices evolve, the tools that support them must also adapt to stay relevant. Jenkins, the venerable automation server used by many DevOps teams, is at such a crossroads as it faces the changing landscape of cloud-native applications and Kubernetes adoption. 

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    5 Time-Saving and Problem-Solving Technologies for DevOps Teams

    January 11, 2024

    DevOps has transformed almost every aspect of software development, taking us from the dark ages of big-bang deployments every 12 months to the reality of releasing software multiple times per day. However, DevOps professionals have to overcome several hurdles to successfully implement and sustain the DevOps culture within the organization. Let’s review some of these challenges—and five technologies that can help.

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    3 Steps to Secure Your CI/CD Pipelines

    September 27, 2023

    More and more software teams are waking up to the fact that their CI/CD pipelines are prone to risk. These pipelines often interface with various toolsets and automation, which may be prone to misconfigurations and abuse. This is not to mention the potential for insecure code being pushed through this funnel and external factors that threaten to circumvent the pipeline.

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    3 Ways to Achieve Faster App Development Without Compromising Security

    September 11, 2023

    Bringing products to market quickly, efficiently and safely is key to brand success, and elite DevOps teams minimize the lead time for changes by quickly and efficiently moving new products and software updates from concept to deployment.

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    Leveraging AI in DevOps for Non-Linear Scaleup

    October 24, 2021

    With technology evolving in leaps and bounds, AI is shaping the future of digital transformation for every business seeking speed, scalability, quality and flexibility.

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    DevSecOps May Be Key to Prevent Data Leaks

    October 24, 2021

    Data leakage has become something of a norm in the digital realm, despite the fact that cybersecurity budgets are growing and more engineers are assigned to these very issues. Nowhere does this seem more true than in the realm of health care, where breaches that expose sensitive patient data are, sadly, a fairly common occurrence. 

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    Engineering Practices Can Overcome DevOps Challenges

    October 24, 2021

    When I think about the challenges of DevOps transformations, I love the viewpoint expressed by Ryan Harmon, strategic accounts manager at Trace3: “DevOps is a complex maze that has many leaders frustrated. In many large enterprises, ‘DevOps’ is simply a buzzword they are striving to achieve but struggle with what the end state looks like or even where to start. There are many layers across the organization that are instrumental to truly executing on DevOps. DevOps is not something you go get a quote for and simply buy. It’s an evolving journey.”

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    The Promise of AI for DevOps in 2021

    October 24, 2021

    DevOps is a natural target for AI-driven efficiencies, as it involves frequently repeated processes that generate mountains of data. It seems reasonable to expect that, like other domains that require decisions to be made based on large volumes of data, AI will play an important role in DevOps, too.

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    The snags holding back DevOps: culture, delivery and security

    October 24, 2021

    The idea of continuously delivered, quality software vetted through a collaborative and highly automated series of steps from inception to deployment is an enticing one, hence the appeal of DevOps. However, while just about everyone says they are pursuing DevOps, the reality on the ground has been mixed at best. 

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    App Testing Must Evolve Within the DevOps Pipeline

    October 24, 2021

    As the practice of DevOps evolves, so do the supporting tasks; hopefully in such a way that they introduce increased efficiency and automation to accelerate development and deployment pipelines. However, one specific process still remains a speed bump on the road to DevOps acceleration: the process—or, more specifically, the chore—of testing.

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    DevOps and Kubernetes: A Perfect Match?

    October 24, 2021

    DevOps is a software development strategy that combines development and operations teams into a single unit. Kubernetes is an open source orchestration platform designed to help you manage container deployments at scale. On the surface, it is not entirely clear where these two meet, why and whether this union produces the desired results.

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    Languages and DevOps: To The Cloud!

    October 24, 2021

    Cloud and DevOps are almost a match made in heaven. Cloud started truly gaining steam in the age of DevOps and Agile, and has adapted – or grown up in it – well, depending on your viewpoint. If not for the combined issues of data gravity and data (im)mobility, we might have gone even farther than we did into the cloudy world.

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    How Low-CodeOps Can Transform DevOps

    October 24, 2021

    Over the past year, enterprise adoption of low-code software development platforms surged across the world economy as COVID-19’s economic consequences drove an unprecedented number of digital initiatives. Enterprises are turning to low-code platforms to rapidly build new apps that empower customers, remote workers and external end users conducting business operations or pivoting to new opportunities.

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    Low-Code Automated Software Testing Drives DevOps

    October 24, 2021

    The DevOps world has quietly turned its focus to solving an essential challenge: enabling software teams to innovate quickly while meeting high customer expectations for quality. In other words, to build useful things faster with fewer mistakes. This tension has been growing for years, but 2020 added the challenges of remote work and accelerated digital transformation to the continued disruption brought about by cloud, SaaS and DevOps. In 2021, we need a road map for taking test automation to the next level with quality engineering, a discipline that incorporates best practices and data-driven testing into the end-to-end customer experience and drives organizational growth.

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    Intelligent DevOps for New Age Digital Systems

    October 24, 2021

    In a previous blog, I have written about how Quality Assurance is getting transformed to Quality Intelligence using the power of big data analytics and autonomics.

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    Winning DevOps in the Finance Industry

    October 24, 2021

    DevOps is making its impact on almost every software-powered company these days. Companies in the finance domain, however, have been perhaps the slowest to embrace DevOps because of concerns regarding governance, security, compliance and regulatory regulations. But it is safe to say that they are currently leading the digital innovation in this era of cloud-native technology.

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    November 1, 2020

    The transition to DevOps is accompanied by a shift away from monolithic architectures, and toward those that are composed of a network of more agile components.

    The popularity of Kubernetes, alongside Docker as part of a containerized infrastructure, is directly related to some of these shifts.

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    ShiftLeft Brings Security Workflows to DevOps Processes

    November 25, 2020

    ShiftLeft has updated its NextGen Static Analysis (NG SAST) tool to include workflows that are purpose-built for developers.

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    Why the DevOps Trinity is Key for Digital Transformation

    November 25, 2020

    As digital technology continues to disrupt and transform businesses across industries and around the world, the ability to deliver high-quality software rapidly will make the difference between survival and extinction for many companies. DevOps seeks to change the dynamics in which operations and development teams interact. Ultimately, successful adoption of DevOps and the process of continuous delivery are likely to determine whether an organization thrives or fails in the digital age.

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    DevOps Chat: Digital Transformation with Exadel’s Jonathan Fries

    November 25, 2020

    In this DevOps Chat, Jonathan Fries, VP of Engineering and Digital Transformation at Exadel, tells us about the new Innovation Lab by Exadel—a place for organizations to accelerate their transformation. We also talk about the state of IT in general from his perch at Exadel, a company with 20 years of empowering IT.

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    In 2020, the salary of DevOps should be so good?

    October 24, 2020

    In recent years, DevOps can be described as half the sky. DevOps has moved from fashionable concepts to best practices, which has changed the entire software industry.


Revolutionizing DevOps Culture Transformations With AI-Engineered Tools

Jul, 05, 2023


The Future of Continuous Testing in CI/CD

Jun, 21, 2023


Leading DevOps Transformations With AI

Jun, 15, 2023


Mastering DevOps Automation for Modern Software Delivery

Jun, 07, 2023


How to Choose an Observability Data Pipeline

May, 31, 2023


Kubernetes Troubleshooting Primer

May, 23, 2023


Observability and the Misleading Promise of AIOps

May, 08, 2023


Good Things Happen When DevSecOps and Cloud Collide

Mar, 28, 2023


Strengthening Your DevOps Pipeline with CI Observability

Mar, 21, 2023


Why Low-Code/No-Code Tech is Important in a Competitive Job Market

Mar, 08, 2023


Platform Engineering vs DevOps: What You Need to Know

Mar, 03, 2023


Graduating From DevOps to MLOps? 5 Tools to Help

Feb, 16, 2023


Will DevSecOps Replace the Security Operations Center?

Jan, 05, 2023


Trends in the Road of DevOps in 2023

Jan, 05, 2023


ASEM,Cloud Native Oriented Intelligent Software Engineering Model

Jan, 05, 2023


DevOps - Overcoming the struggle

Oct, 17, 2022


DevOps spirit: who develops, who is responsible

Oct, 08, 2022


How do non-technical departments participate in DevOps?

Sep, 27, 2022


What is DevOps? Master 5 points to make full use of DevOps

Sep, 20, 2022


Common misconceptions of DevOps

Sep, 08, 2022


Five key points of Devops implementation

Aug, 16, 2022


ASEM, Cloud Native Oriented Intelligent Software Engineering Model!

Aug, 11, 2022


Five keys to Devops'​ success

Jul, 08, 2022


GCOS 2022 - Global Cloud-Native x Opensource Online Summit 2022 | SEA Edition

Jun, 21, 2022


Why Building a DevOps Culture Is Critical to Digital Transformation

Jun, 10, 2022


Why DevSecOps Should Be Top Priority

Jun, 02, 2022


Reduce cloud waste with careful DevOps cost management

May, 27, 2022


Reduce cloud waste with careful DevOps cost management

May, 20, 2022


Three Ways CI/CD Adoption Can Benefit Your DevOps Team

May, 13, 2022


How to create a DevOps self-service portal

April, 29, 2022


How DevOps is Revolutionizing Embedded Development

April, 22, 2022


Why Your Business Needs DevOps

April, 08 2022


CI/CD, DevOps and Containers: A Winning Trio

Mar, 29 2022


DevOps trends for 2022

Mar, 15, 2022


How to Prepare Your DevOps Environment for DevSecOps

Mar, 09, 2022


DevOps primer: The past, present and future

Mar, 02, 2022


How to Automate PKI for DevOps With Open Source Tools

Feb, 23, 2022


Irreconcilable Differences: DevOps Grapples With Issues

Feb, 15, 2022


How can characters benefit from DevOps?

Feb, 9, 2022


How did the development process go from waterfall to DevOps?

Jan, 18, 2022


Tips for a Successful DevSecOps Life Cycle

Out, 18, 2021


How to Prepare Your DevOps Environment for DevSecOps

Aug, 23, 2021


DataOps vs. DevOps: What’s the Difference?

Aug, 16, 2021


4 Steps to More Agile Operations

Aug, 9, 2021


5 takeaways from recent agile and devops reports

July, 27, 2021


Managing Cloud Governance Costs Collaboratively

July, 19, 2021


How LoBig Gains Are Made In The ‘Last Mile’ of DevOpsw-Code Makes DevOps Stronger

July, 13, 2021


How Low-Code Makes DevOps Stronger

July, 7, 2021


How Containers Simplify DevOps Workflows and CI/CD Pipelines

June, 28, 2021


Learning ‘The Third Way’ of DevOps – Continuous Improvement

June, 21, 2021


How to Gain Greater Value From DevOps

June, 15, 2021


Automation is Needed for Reliable Cloud Platforms

June, 10, 2021